
How To Write Two Lines In One Cell In Excel

5 Answers 5

What you desire to do is to wrap the text in the current jail cell. Y'all can do this manually by pressing Alt + Enter every time you want a new line

Or, yous can ready this as the default behaviour by pressing the Wrap Text in the Dwelling house tab on the Ribbon. Now, whenever you lot hit enter, it will automatically wrap the text onto a new line rather than a new cell.

enter image description here


17.9k xiv gold badges 55 silver badges 68 bronze badges

answered Nov 22, 2009 at 13:34


  • The link here has rotted. Not certain what it was supposed to exist.

    May 4, 2015 at xx:36

  • Not quite the same equally the OP's question, only you can as well wrap existing text past selecting the cells, and selectiing "Format Cells..." so clicking the "Wrap Text" checkbox.

    February 28, 2017 at 20:34

  • For those of you lot who are software developers and confused by all the talk about "wrap the text" and "why would 'word wrapping' need to be enabled"... in Excel... if you want to have a more than one line of text... so "word wrapping" MUST be enabled. You can test this "feature" by inserting a new line via alt + enter then disabling "give-and-take wrapping" and come across your new line character somehow disappears.

    Jun 21, 2018 at 11:34

  • For those familiar with libreoffice, inserting new lines is washed via ctrl + enter and does not require enabling "discussion wrapping" for a cell.

    Jun 21, 2018 at eleven:37

  • "Now, whenever you hit enter, information technology volition automatically wrap the text onto a new line rather than a new cell." ... does this all the same work for anyone with the 2019 version of Excel? When I turn on "Wrap Text" for the cells, pressing Enter is still going downwards to the next row. I'k working on a spreadsheet where I'm always inbound multiple lines of text, so would actually beloved this to piece of work. Holding ALT every time is besides cumbersome.

    Aug 5, 2019 at 10:37

You have to use Alt+Enter to enter a railroad vehicle render inside a prison cell.


23.5k 28 gold badges 100 silver badges 133 bronze badges

answered Nov 22, 2009 at 13:33

  1. Edit a cell and type what you desire on the showtime "row"
  2. Press one of the following, depending on your OS:

    Windows: Alt + Enter

    Mac: Ctrl + Pick + Enter

  3. Blazon what you want on the next "row" in the same cell
  4. Repeat equally needed.

Note that inserting carriage returns with the central combinations above produces different behavior than turning on Wrap Text. In the screenshot below, column A has the railroad vehicle returns and column B has Wrap Text turned on. Changing the width of a column with carriage returns doesn't remove them. Changing the width of a column with Wrap Text turned on will change where the lines break.

In-cell line breaks in Excel

answered Nov 13, 2012 at 22:11


  • Kudos to you lot for including the keyboard shortcut for Mac

    Mar 16, 2017 at 0:06

Use the combination alt+enter

answered Nov 22, 2009 at 13:33

Alt + Enter never worked for me. I had to go to Format Cells and make sure that the Number tab was fix to Text. That allowed me to see exactly as I had input. My issue could have been Mac specific though.


4,077 xv aureate badges 33 silver badges 46 bronze badges

answered Aug 26, 2012 at 0:58


  • [Alt]+[Enter] is windows specific, the Mac specific code is in another respond

    Mar 25, 2017 at 0:44

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